A portrait of Richard Katrovas by the great Alan Levy in the Prague Post.

Richard’s poetry at the Poetry Foundation.

“The Multigenre Workshop” an essay on creative writing pedagogy in The Associated Writing Programs Chronicle

Interview with Three Rooms Press about Raising Girls in Bohemia. 

Interview and the essay “Katie’s Hair” from Raising Girls in Bohemia at Connotation Press.

The essay “My Wicked Thirties” from the upcoming book of essays Chained to a Tree: A Memoir in Essays on Poets and the Fools Who Love Them in Meluzína, the Prague Summer Program Zine.

Richard Katrovas reads an early draft of “Local Poets” from his upcoming book of essays Poets and the Fools Who Love Them: A Memoir in Essays  (filmed in Prague during the 2018 Prague Summer Program).

Interview with Richard Katrovas conducted by Richard Jackson:

Title poem from Richard’s upcoming book (and the photo that inspired it):